Our HealthCare Team
Dr. Sinnarajah Raguraj, MD
Internal Medicine
Dr. Ragu ( Raguraj ) is an internist practicing in Harford county for the last 20 years.
Mission of our practice-
As a primary care , we provide excellent health care to the communities we serve, while also creating a model of care that will thrive in Harford county’s rapidly changing health care arena. You will see the same provider all the time.
Jill Haney
Jill Haney, DNP, CRNP, grew up in Annapolis, MD, and completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at University of Maryland, School of Nursing, in 2006. She began her career in bedside, Med-Surg nursing, and then continued several years in outpatient Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine at Medstar Good Samaritan Hospital and University of Maryland Midtown Campus. She completed graduate-level training as a Certified Wound Ostomy and Continence Nurse (CWOCN). Given her vested interest in health promotion for her patients, she pursued higher education, completing the Doctor of Nursing Practice program at University of Maryland, School of Nursing; specializing in Adult-Gerontology Primary Care. Her goal is to provide patient-centered, holistic primary care, with a focus on helping patients achieve both physical and mental well-being. She currently resides in the south Parkville, MD, area.